Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Channeling, what it is and what it is not.

It took me a long time to start the channeling group. I resisted the idea for years, thinking others would not be able to get into it. When I finally did start the group the guides gave me the ground rules. Keep the group small and private, handpick the people and tell them that only regularity counts, if you cannot come regularly, don’t waste your time.

A small dedicated group works better than an open one in which curious strangers show up and sometimes disturb the energies.

So we began with a small group which became smaller over the next few months. Those who could not take the energies dropped out with various excuses. Some were too irregular. But the core group remained, dedicated and excited by the growth. We kept going and finally the time came to take our discoveries to other people, so we began the blog. Keeping track of our progress helps our own growth as well, we hope, shows the path to other people.

What is channeling ?
Channeling is connecting with your higher self, with the undying, all knowing part of you which is usually far beyond your reach. In channeling you get out of your own way, go past, the ‘I cant do this’ and the ‘this cant be real, its all my imagination’. That is just the irritating doubts of the critical left brain getting in the way. Be firm and put it out of your head. Once you find your way past the sky is the limit.

Everyone has guides, everyone has help even if most of us are oblivious to it. You may become aware of it in odd moments when the guides send you impulses, or intuition or a sudden awareness that saves you from danger. In channeling you connect with your guide and build a strong enough link so that you can get messages, guidance and learning whenever you chose.

The inner worlds are vast and all knowledge is available in them. There are dimensions after dimensions. There are planes of guides and inner universities where you can learn any subject that exists and many that don’t. Once you can access the inner planes you rarely need to go outside to learn. You can explore the past, the present and the future, alternates and concurrent realities, you can go anywhere.

The two kinds of knowing.
The two kinds of knowing are defined in the old texts.
Smruti is remembering, learning by memory, going to a teacher or a course, memorizing the words of other people. In other words the kind of education we have in the world today. If you want to know a subject you enroll in a university or find a good teacher. You assume that you know nothing and, starting from a point of ignorance, you read, listen and memorize information, opinions and facts that others give you. That is the only kind of learning which we know in the modern world.In the old texts this is the inferior form of learning and only good for those who are unable to access the higher ways.

The superior form of learning was shruti, hearing. The Vedas are considered shruti and are therefore the highest form of knowledge. Shruti is direct knowledge. You need no teachers, universities, exams or degrees. The road to that learning is within. You open yourself, connect to the endless knowledge within and discover that you already know what you set out to learn. Shruti assumes that all the answers are already within you if only you can make the connection to the higher self.

In other words, channeling.
Learning from within, direct knowledge that needs no intermediaries.

Eventually everyone needs to make the inner connection so that you never have to depend on others or the external world again. Its all within you, spread out and open, the dimensions, the universes, everything.

Just waiting for you. Are you game ?

What is best left alone.
Many of those who channel connect to deceased relatives, those who have passed over, or masters and sages.Your relatives who have passed over do not suddenly become sages, they are still the same as they were before they passed. If they were not geniuses then there is no reason to believe they have suddenly become so.

Connecting to the dead is a specialist’s field and not an area in which you can dabble. It is best left alone. You do not need to connect to the dead for answers. They may know a few things but their knowledge is limited. Far better to connect with your inner guide whose knowledge is unlimited. Your inner guide always comes first and even if you channel others you should never connect without your own guide standing by to protect you should something go wrong.

Your own guide is your higher self, and the name and form is meaningless. Sometimes the forms keep changing, the guide may appear as male or female, as a sage or ascended master, whatever you believe in. Those things are illusory. Don’t be taken in by them and don’t be so deluded that you think it is the Voice of God and start a new religion ! It is still the voice of your own self no matter what impressive name comes through. Don’t bother with names and forms, they are all illusory and unimportant.

Your higher self is completely unlimited, beyond time and space and identity, and by making the connection there is nothing you cannot learn or discover. What more can you want ? The best channeling is connecting to your own highest being and clearing the connection until you are able to access the purest and highest of energies.If you are channeling do not be limited to deceased people or ascended masters. Go for the unlimited, the vast and endless, connect to your own divine being in the form of a deity or your own higher self.

Not all channeled material is worthwhile.
Whatever you channel comes through you, so the quality of the message you get depends on your level of growth. A clean aura attracts a higher energy. If you aura is clogged with worries, confusion, anger and fear then a high energy cannot come through.Not all channeled material is of a high level. Most of it is like anything else in life,forgettable. The few who can channel the highest energies have worked on themselves for years, removing the negativity from their thinking and feeling. If you don’t do the inner work you will get stuck at a lower level and not be able to move beyond it. You must keep growing and keep working on yourself to improve your channeling. You must work out your anger, deal with your fear and break the limited patterns of your thinking otherwise you will get nowhere.

What kind of messages to expect.
If you thought that because you have a guide you will never face another problem, think again. Guides are not there to solve your problems for you or to prevent you from making mistakes. They know that you only learn by making mistakes, that you attract certain problems into your life so that you can learn. They will never get in the way of your learning or growth.If they see a problem coming they will not stop it but they will help you deal with it afterwards and help you learn whatever you had to learn when you attracted that situation.

Everything in life is our own creation and our negative thinking draws the problems into our lives. You need your problems to grow. Your guides will let you make the mistakes and then help you understand why you made them so that you never make them again. That is called growth.

Guides see in terms of lifetimes, you see in terms of today. They can see that facing this problem today will lead you to eventually change your whole life pattern so they will rejoice that you have the opportunity.Do not expect guides to give you specific message. If you get messages like, be cautious, keep safe, do not take chances, that is your own fear speaking and is not a high message at all. Messages like that tell you that you are not a clear channel but still living in the fear consciousness.

Guides also do not give you rules, never tell you that if you do not do something you will be in trouble. They only make suggestions and are never angry or upset. If you get specific messages like, eat cabbages every Wednesday then you are not reaching a high level at all.You must grow past all that.

Guides do not tell you that you will face a crisis on Monday at 11 am. That kind of specific prediction is a waste of time. But they can see trouble coming and will tell you to work out your anger, and stop fearing the worst, knowing that if you do so the problem may never happen. They will protect you from all the dangers of the inner worlds but the outer physical world is your arena, not theirs, its your learning ground and they will not interfere in it.

You are always free not to take their advise. Guides are eternally loving and patient. They do not get upset if you say no, or do something else. They will adjust to all you ask, giving you different methods if you feel you cannot follow the ones they suggested. You always have free will. They are friends not dictators.

If you get a guide who is angry, shouts, sulks, orders you around or is sarcastic be aware that it is your own anger or self criticism that is coming in the way, and if you work out the anger or self criticism then you will connect with the pure energy of the higher self which is always loving, beautiful and serene.

You need to clean up your own act to channel that high energy. The kind of guide you get will tell you what is wrong. Anger suppressed within you will reflect in a seemingly angry guide, if you are too hard on yourself you guide will be sharp and sarcastic and if you are blocked by fear and doubt, and unable to open up, your guide will not speak to you at all. If any of these things happen it is only an indication that more inner work needs to be done so that you can reach higher and higher.

You guide is not your guru or god to worship. Your guide is your best friend and companion and listening to what she has to say can make all the difference in your life. Opening to channeling is the greatest step in self growth, the one step that leads to limitless horizons and knowledge without boundaries.

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